“The highest task that man can have and the only one that bring him happiness is to respond to the Lord’s question. When I left the Lord to enter mortality, I found his question waiting, and when I leave mortality to return to him, he will meet me with a question. When Adam left Eden, the Lord clothed his body with a garment and his soul with a question. Adam, where art thou? Does God not know? On the contrary, only he knows. In my weakness I lose my bearings. Like a child wandering in a forest I follow the whims of the moment and forget the way. I am too caught up by my surroundings to follow the path. Not until a Father’s voice calls do I wonder where I am. How shall I answer? I am here? But where is here? So helpless am I that I cannot say. But deep within I hear his voice and tremble, for finally there are just two places, with him or without him, and just two ways, toward him or not toward him.”