"Glossary of Symbols" - Gospel Symbolism - Joseph Fielding McConkie
Palm Leaf. The palm leaf was a symbol of peace, also of triumph and victory (John 12:13; Rev. 7:9). 2 Esdras (one of the apocryphal books) captures the imagery: "I, Ezra, saw on Mount Zion a great multitude, which I could not number, and they all were praising the Lord with songs. In their midst was a young man of great stature, taller than any of the others, and on the head of each of them he placed a crown, but he was more exalted than they. And I was spellbound. Then I asked an angel, Who are these, my lord? He answered and said to me, These are they who have put off mortal clothing and have put on the immortal, and they have confessed the name of God; now they are being crowned and receive palms." (2 Esdras 2:42-45.)