December 31, 2018

The Millennium Challenge Reading Schedule

Hey class it's that time of year for "the Challenge".

In 2000 Jim and I were teaching a Gospel Doctrine class and decided to challenge our class to read all the Latter-day Saint scriptures in one year.  I created a reading schedule for that I titled "The Millennium Challenge". 

The schedule averages approximately 7 pages a day to finish in a year’s time. However, it’s not a race. The purpose of the schedule is to read the LDS Scriptures one after another until all are read so that one can see the wonderful connection and synergistic nature of all the scriptures. You will be amazed by what you learn through this process. You'll also come to have a better and different understanding and love for the Savior. 

Start with whatever book you’d like and keep going. I promise you it will be worth it and It will be a fabulous year to remember!

You can download the schedule HERE.

On this link you will also find a link to download a schedule to read the Old and New Testaments in 229 days and a schedule to read the Book of Mormon in 77 days.

All the schedules have been updated for 2018.

Please feel free to share with your friends and family.