Doctrinal New Testament Commentary - Bruce R. McConkie
Acts 3:17; 17. Jesus' murderers acted in ignorance only in the sense that they did not know he was the Son of God. But even this was an ignorance born of rebellion, born of a refusal to believe the Messianic prophecies, born of a deliberate election to close their eyes to the teachings and miracles which testified of his divinity.
Acts 3:18; 18. Christ should suffer] Israel had expected a triumphant, temporal King, but the Messianic prophecies spoke of a suffering, reviled, and rejected Redeemer. (Psalms 22; Isaiah 50:6; 53:1-12.)
Acts 3:19; 19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted] Joseph Smith says that Peter is here addressing the murderers who crucified Christ and that this is the reason Peter "did not" invite them to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, but rather counseled them to repent and be converted in the hope their sins would be blotted out at the Second Coming. "They could not be baptized for the remission of sins," the Prophet said, "for they had shed innocent blood." (Teachings, p. 339.) Speaking of this verse, Joseph Smith also said: "Remission of sins by baptism was not to be preached to murderers. . . . There is no forgiveness for murderers; they will have to wait until the times of redemption shall come, and that in hell." (Franklin D. Richards and James A. Little, A Compendium, p. 288, 2nd ed.)
Acts 3:19; That your sins may be blotted out] Not that they shall be forgiven and be heirs of salvation, as are those whose sins are washed away by baptism; but after they have paid the utmost farthing, they shall rise to some degree of reward in one of the lesser mansions.
Acts 3:19; The times of refreshing] Joseph Smith says this has "reference to the time when Christ should come; then, and not till then, would their sins be blotted out. Why? Because they were murderers, and no murderer hath eternal life." (Teachings, p. 188.) It "has the same meaning as the one in the Tenth Article of Faith which records that 'the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.' This occurrence is 'the regeneration' which shall take place 'when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory.' (Matthew 19:28.) It is also 'the day of transfiguration . . When the earth shall be transfigured.' (D&C 63:20-21.)
Acts 3:19; "This earth was created in a new or paradisiacal state; then, incident to Adam's transgression, it fell to its present telestial state. At the Second Coming of our Lord, it will be renewed, regenerated, refreshed, transfigured, become again a new earth, a paradisiacal earth. Its millennial status will be a return to its pristine state of beauty and glory, the state that existed before the fall." (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., pp. 795-796.)
Acts 3:20; 20. He shall send Jesus Christ] The Second Coming of the Son of Man; he shall be sent again by his Father, this time in glory and triumph to reign on earth a thousand years.
Acts 3:21; 21. Whom the heaven must receive until] Christ must and shall retain heaven as his dwelling place until the time appointed for him to return and reign personally on earth. In the providences of the Father, the Second Coming cannot be until "the times of restitution."
Acts 3:21; The times of restitution] The age or era of restoration. "It is that period in the earth's history known as the dispensation of the fulness of times, for in that era all things are to be restored. (Ephesians 1:10.)
Acts 3:21; "It should be noted that Peter does not say that all things must be restored before Christ comes, but that the age, era, period, or times in the earth's history in which restoration is to take place must itself commence. That era did begin in the spring of 1820, but all things will not be revealed until after Christ comes. (D&C 101: 32-34.)" (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., p. 796.)
Acts 3:21; Of all things] What will be restored? All things! Visions, revelations, miracles, and gifts of the Spirit; apostles, prophets, seventies, evangelists, and judges in Israel; doctrines, ordinances, rites, and knowledge; priesthood, keys, and powers; the fulness of the gospel; Israel as a kingdom and a people; and even the earth itself "will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory." (Tenth Article of Faith.)