April 4, 2018

President Russell M. Nelson's Talks

As of October 2017, President Nelson has given 70 talks in General Conference since becoming an Apostle in April of 1984.  Those talks are listed below and linked to LDS.org.

Talk 1: Call to the Holy Apostleship
Talk 2: Protect the Spiritual Power Line
Talk 3: Reverence for Life
Talk 4: Self-Mastery
Talk 5: In the Lord’s Own Way
Talk 6: “Joy Cometh in the Morning”
Talk 7: Life after Life

Talk 8: Lessons from Eve
Talk 9: Keys of the Priesthood
Talk 10: “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible”
Talk 11: Addiction or Freedom
Talk 12: The Canker of Contention
Talk 13: Woman-Of Infinite Worth
Talk 14: “Thus Shall My Church Be Called”


Talk 15: Choices
Talk 16: Listen to Learn
Talk 17: “These … Were Our Examples”
Talk 18: Doors of Death
Talk 19: Where is Wisdom?
Talk 20: Honoring the Priesthood
Talk 21: Combatting Spiritual Drift-Our Global Pandemic
Talk 22: Constancy amid Change
Talk 23: “Teach Us Tolerance and Love”
Talk 24: The Spirit of Elijah
Talk 25: Children of the Covenant
Talk 26: Perfection Pending
Talk 27: “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods”
Talk 28: The Atonement
Talk 29: Endure and Be Lifted Up
Talk 30: Spiritual Capacity
Talk 31: A New Harvest Time
Talk 32: We Are Children of God
Talk 33: Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women
Talk 34: A Testimony of the Book of Mormon
Talk 35: The Creation
Talk 36: Living by Scriptural Guidance


Talk 37: Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings
Talk 38: “Set in Order Thy House”
Talk 39: How Firm Our Foundation
Talk 40: “Blessed Are the Peacemakers”
Talk 41: Sweet Power of Prayer
Talk 42: Personal Priesthood Responsibility
Talk 43: Roots and Branches
Talk 44: Senior Missionaries and the Gospel
Talk 45: Now is the Time to Prepare
Talk 46: Jesus Christ-the Master Healer
Talk 47: Nurturing Marriage
Talk 48: The Gathering of Scattered Israel
Talk 49: Repentance and Conversion
Talk 50: Scriptural Witnesses
Talk 51: Salvation and Exaltation
Talk 52: Celestial Marriage
Talk 53: Lessons from the Lord’s Prayers
Talk 54: Ask, Seek, Knock
Talk 55: Generations Linked in Love
Talk 56: Be Thou an Example of the Believers