March 4, 2018

Undershepherds - Nourish the Flock of Christ

Alexander B. Morrison
General Conference - April 1992
Full the full talk HERE

To faithful souls who labor in His service, in whatever calling, Jesus gives the blessing of acting as His undershepherds, charged with nourishing the sheep of His pasture and the lambs of His fold. How do wise undershepherds fulfill that sacred responsibility with honor and energy, striving always to be true and faithful to the trust reposed in them? The scriptures provide the guidelines within which faithful servants carry out sacred tasks.

Faithful undershepherds nourish with the good word of God…

Faithful servants of the master use the scriptures to learn and teach the grand and glorious principles of salvation and exaltation…

Christ is at the center of the scriptures... 

Faithful undershepherds nourish through commitment to sacred covenants which bind the children of God to their Father and His glorious Son…

Wise undershepherds are never casual in their commitment to Christ and His cause, and do all in their power to encourage others to honor sacred agreements, solemnly made in the Lord’s house.
Faithful servants nourish by focusing on the individual. God loves us one by one... 

True undershepherds help others to partake of the bread of life and the living water through selfless service. They know that service solves the seeming paradox of the scriptures: one has to lose his or her life to find it... 

Wise undershepherds, in helping others to partake of the bread of life and the living water, seek neither acclaim nor accolade. The honors of men are of no consequence to them. They seek only “to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with [their] God.”