Joseph Fielding Smith,
Answers to Gospel Questions, 5 vols., 2:, p.157-161
Question: "In
our class discussion the thought was expressed that the Holy Ghost was not upon
the earth before nor during the time of the Savior's life and ministry. If it
is the function of the Holy Ghost to teach and warn and bear testimony of the
mission of the Savior, to be received following baptism, and if we believe the
gospel to be the same yesterday, today, and forever, how can we account for the
fact the Holy Ghost was not upon the earth until after the death of Jesus
Christ? Would it not be according to reason that the Holy Ghost would be upon
the earth as long as the gospel was upon the earth?"
Answer: It is an astounding thing that an
entire class studying the gospel would not have one member who could settle
this question definitely from the scriptures. If the members of the class will
read their Book of Mormon, they will find that Lehi and Nephi and all the
prophets had the gift of the Holy Ghost, and by that Spirit, Nephi received
If they had
read in the Pearl of Great Price, they would have seen that the ancient
prophets were guided by the Holy Ghost and that when Adam was baptized, he was
caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord, or Holy
Ghost, descended upon him.
A little
ordinary thinking would reveal to us the fact that the ancient prophets could
not have spoken by prophecy and revelation unless they were in possession of
this great gift. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and, in fact, all of the prophets
were inspired and revealed to mankind, and more especially to Israel, the
commandments of the Lord. It was by this gift that Joseph interpreted the
dreams of the butler and the baker and that Daniel received his great visions
concerning Israel and our present times.
Bruce R. McConkie
The Holy Ghost has been given to
righteous men from the beginning so they could certify of the truths about God
and salvation. He has been the companion of those who have presided over the
Church and the kingdom in every age, and by his power they have received
revelation and given guidance to the people of the Church and to all people in
the world. And when these brethren speak, these brethren, the First Presidency
and the Twelve who are prophets, and seers, and revelators, it is by the power
of the Holy Ghost and what they say is the mind and the will of the Lord.
The Holy Ghost Before
the Day of Pentecost
Robert J. Matthews,
Behold the Messiah , p.40-41
Because of
the statement that the Holy Ghost "was not yet given because Jesus was not
yet glorified" (John 7:37-39), many have thought that the Holy Ghost was not
enjoyed in any degree by anyone before the day of Pentecost spoken of in Acts
chapter 2. There is sufficient in the Bible to determine this is not so,
but it is made far more clear in latter-day revelation, which shows that the
ancient Saints and prophets had both the power and the gift of the Holy Ghost
from the days of Adam (Moses
6:64-66; 1 Ne. 10:17-19; D&C 20:26-27). The meaning of John 7:37-39
is that the gift of the Holy Ghost had not been received in that local
area of the country in that dispensation among the Jews, where Jesus was in
person. But they did enjoy the power of the Holy Ghost, which gave them
testimonies. The Nephites at this same time had both the power and the gift.