April 8, 2013

Enoch and the City of Enoch

D&C  133:54-55
 54 Yea, and Enoch also, and they who were with him; the prophets who were before him; and Noah also, and they who were before him; and Moses also, and they who were before him;
 55 And from Moses to Elijah, and from Elijah to John, who were with Christ in his resurrection, and the holy apostles, with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, shall be in the presence of the Lamb.

Robert J. Matthews
Selected Writings of Robert J. Matthews: Gospel Scholars Series , p.138

Although it was some three thousand years before Christ that Enoch was translated (which means his life in the flesh was extended in such a way that he did not die), we learn from  D&C 133:54-55  that Enoch had undergone a change equal to death and was resurrected at the time of Jesus' resurrection. Such a change could occur in the twinkling of an eye, but it happened. Thus, as is the case with all those translated before the time of Christ, Enoch is now a resurrected being.  

It was with Enoch as with all of the patriarchs and prophets: he was baptized and confirmed, ordained and endowed in the regular order of the gospel and its ordinances.   

Robert J. Matthews
Selected Writings of Robert J. Matthews: Gospel Scholars Series , p.508

The Prophet Joseph Smith is the greatest witness for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and in that respect (as in many others) he stands ahead of all mankind who have lived on this earth in the past 1,900 years. He was visited by, and no doubt shook hands with, a great many resurrected beings, among them God the Father, Jesus Christ, Adam, Peter, James,  John  the Baptist, Moroni, Moses, Elijah, and a great many others.  Moses  and Elijah had been translated in their own day, but  D&C 133:55  seems to say that they are now resurrected beings. Since resurrection is better than the translated state, it would seem appropriate that translated persons be resurrected as early as possible. President Joseph Fielding Smith interpreted  D&C 133:55  in this way:   

"When Elijah came to the Prophet Joseph Smith, he was not a translated being. He was a resurrected being. He had received his resurrection."  

Elder Bruce R. McConkie also taught that those who were translated before the resurrection of our Lord "'were with Christ in his resurrection'  (D&C 133:55).  . . . It will be resurrected, not translated beings, who shall return with the city of Enoch."

Bruce R. McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, p.588

As to the return of the City of Enoch, John said: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." This is the Millennial earth that is to be after the Lord returns. "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Enoch's people, now resurrected and glorified, shall return in all their glory to that earth which once was theirs. "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God." The Lord Jesus shall dwell on earth with men again.  

Bruce R. McConkie
The Millennial Messiah: The Second Coming of the Son of Man, p.647

Enoch and his city were all translated and taken up into heaven without tasting death. So also were Moses and Elijah and Alma and many others of whom we have no record. Indeed the whole focus of life among the worthy saints from the day of Enoch to the day of Abraham was so to live that they would be caught up and receive an inheritance in that city whose builder and maker was God. All these were with Christ in his resurrection; that is, they received their resurrected and immortal bodies at that time. John the Revelator and the Three Nephites and others whose identity is unknown have been translated since the day of Christ. They are all carrying on their ministries of preaching and prophesying and will do so until the Second Coming, when they will receive their resurrected and immortal bodies. The Lord, for instance, promised John: "Thou shalt tarry until I come in my glory, and shalt prophesy before nations, kindreds, tongues and people." This ministry is among mortals on earth, but John has great powers that mortals do not possess. "I will make him as flaming fire and a ministering angel," the Lord promised, and "he shall minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation who dwell on the earth." (D&C 7:3-6.)