Ensign - May 1980
In a very real sense it is a war - a hot war - a war between right and wrong, between the powers of heaven and the forces of Lucifer.
The scriptures warn that the devil will make war with the Saints of God, but he never can and he never will overcome them. He will attack them with all the wicked devices his pornographic mind can devise, but he never will stop God's work.
This is not a war for territory or wealth; it is a contest for the eternal souls of men and women, boys and girls, the literal offspring of God, our Heavenly Father.
Our forces are strong. We have had many glorious victories and will yet have more. Our task is to save all who will listen.
God’s work and glory are the same: “To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). We work together in partnership with him.
But how many of us realize how serious this conflict is? Do we measure its effect upon our own family circles? Do we understand what the devil is trying to do to us? Do we recognize his evil emissaries for what they are when they openly assail us or when they seek deceitfully to seduce us quietly?
Seduction is his greatest weapon. Do we realize that? I repeat: seduction is the greatest weapon of the devil. It is alluring; it falsely appears to be advantageous and desirable. He would have us think that bitter is sweet, that black is white, that sin is acceptable, that virtue is obsolete, archaic, and prudish.
Because he revels in filth, he would tell us that to be clean is some naive concept of our grandmother’s age which does not apply in this enlightened day. He says that evil is good and that standards have been relaxed. “Go your way,” he says; “fear no consequences; do your own thing; have fun; express your basest desires if you wish, and let yourselves go!” That is his philosophy.
Do we recognize it when it is flung at us by our angry foes or when it comes with a soft voice and a disarming smile? Do we truly recognize evil when we see it? Do we really know right from wrong? If we do not, then let us hasten to learn from our Church leaders. They will tell us quickly and plainly.
If we do know what is right, have we the courage to stand up for it, to defend virtue, to declare the validity of our faith, to oppose false teachings, and to fight the unpopular battle? Have we the moral stamina to confront any and all opportunities and thus preserve truth, uphold cleanliness, and defend the cause of God?
The time has come when we must take a far more firm and positive stand than ever before. We must identify illicit sex, pornography, filthy speech, and the use of liquor, tobacco, marijuana, and worse drugs as enemies of God and enemies to ourselves.
We must see in all of them the fiery darts of the devil.
We must bolster our spiritual fortifications, raise the shield which God has given us, and wield the sword of righteousness and faith as all God’s servants should.
We must ask ourselves anew the potent question: Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
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